K-12 Ministries
Children’s Ministries (Grades K-5)
UCF holds monthly Sunday School experiences for young children, concurrently with adult worship. Children are welcome in worship at any time; activity packets available at both doors of the sanctuary. Parents of energetic children have the option of listening to the service in Beard Lounge, adjacent to the sanctuary.
Seekers/Confirmation Class
The UCF offers a Seekers’/Confirmation class to students in middle and high school. Led by the Pastor, volunteers, and educators, young people spend the year exploring their faith at the next developmental level.
For those students who choose, this year-long experience constitutes their preparation for full membership in the church. Board members hear about their experiences from them and receive them into membership. The congregation welcomes them in public worship at a confirmation service scheduled in the spring.
Youth Ministries (Grades 6-12)
Young people are encouraged to participate in all worship services and intergenerational activities. Our youth join the Manlius United Methodist Church for its monthly “First Friday” gatherings. Students gather for fellowship, fun, and spiritual growth at least once a month. All youth from 6th-12th grades are welcome. Dates are listed in the calendar, weekly emails, and on the Education bulletin board.
K-12 Mission and Outreach
Our children and youth are encouraged to participate in various intergenerational mission and service projects throughout the year.