Haiti Education Mission Inc
Paulette, Haiti
Haiti Education Mission Inc (HEM Inc)
UCF has been a member of HEM Inc since 2010. HEM Inc partners with the Haitian grassroots organization FEED to provide teacher training, adult literacy education, pre-school manuals, and scholarships for children to attend school. HEM Inc also supports summer job training for teens, a yearly medical clinic to enhance the wellness of the community, and a daily lunch for children and the elderly. The work of the HEM Inc team is being financially supported by the United Church of Fayetteville, Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church, the Global Mission of the Episcopal Church, student language clubs, Ken deLaski and the deLaski family Foundation, and other generous individuals.
Fondation Pour l’Épanouissement des Enfants Démunis (FEED)
FEED, in English the “Foundation for the Development of Underprivileged Children”, is made up of Haitian professionals who have chosen to respond to the great need in their local community by donating 15% of their salaries to the organization. Members of the HEM Inc Team traveled to Haiti seven times, most recently in April 2019, to provide direct assistance to the community. The COVID pandemic and political conditions in Haiti have made travel to the area difficult; HEM Inc is still able to communicate weekly with the FEED team by email to receive updates and photos.
Paulette is located in northeastern Haiti, one of the more remote areas of the country. Agriculture is the mainstay of the region’s economy, with many reliant on subsistence agriculture. Infrastructure is poor and access to basic services such as clean water, healthcare, education, and transportation is limited. Poverty, environmental degradation, and vulnerability to natural disasters present significant challenges to well-being and livelihood. HEM Inc has established means to securely transfer funds to FEED and to provide monitoring and oversight of program spending, despite the ongoing turmoil in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince.
Nutrition program for 300 children who receive one hot meal per day
Funds for over a dozen students to continue their education in secondary vocational school
Two latrines for FEED Headquarters and repairs
Supplies and educational materials for teachers, schools and soccer balls, jump ropes and
other gamesContinuing education for principals
Secondary education through 12th grade for one student in Cape Haitian and now supported in college
Salary supplements for teachers at the Ecole Baptiste
The Ruth Colvin Adult Literacy Center
Teacher Training in the summer
Tuition for 100 children (includes uniforms, backpacks & books for 100 children)
Potable water in two elementary schools and FEED headquarters using chlorine tablets
Manuals and materials for 100+ preschool children & six teachers
Roofs, tables, chairs for the FEED headquarters
Motorcycle ambulance and repairs
Repair of a village well
A yearly 3-day Mobile Medical Clinic
Since 2009, with the help of the HEM Inc Team, other local churches, French Clubs in the USA, many generous individual friends and the deLaski Family Foundation, HEM Inc has supported the following:
Your donations, participation at concerts with the SU Brass Ensemble, and other fund-raisers continue to help make this outreach in Haiti sustainable. For more information, contact the United Church of Fayetteville to speak to a member of the Outreach Committee. HEM Inc is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.